Sunday, November 8, 2015


  1. Gossip can ruin a persons life if they let it. Which character dealt with gossip the best way? The worst? Give examples from the book. 
  2. Who caused Teddy's death? Tilly? The townspeople? Why?
  3. The relationship between Nancy and Ruth is completely ignored throughout the book. What is acceptable? What do people have to be and do to be considered “one of us”?
  4. There are many secrets that are kept throughout the book including the identity of Tilly’s father and Ruth and Nancy’s relationship. What is the best kept secret and the worst? 
  5. Manipulation is an important theme in the book. Give two examples of how a character (or characters) manipulate a situation and others?
  6. There are many examples of cruelty throughout the book. Which character do you think is the most cruel? Why? 
  7. The people of Dungatar watch up to the women on the Hill and in turn the women on the Hill look down on the town. Why is this important? What if the situation was reveresed?
  8. Many of the characters lack compassion. Give an example from the book of an individual lacking compassion which was particular shocking or cruel. Give reasons why the individual acted this way?
  9. Discuss the ongoing feud between Septimus and Hamish and the fact that Septimus never mentions Hamish’s wife’s affair with the local butcher. How does Septimus ensure the affair stays a secret? 

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